Sunday, May 24, 2009

Can You Build a Happy Marriage Without Your Spouses Help?

One of the interesting things i discovered when doing my research into happy marriage was that many do not try to create a happy marriage because they feel that their partner is not helping.

Now I understand that this can be discouraging and i once thought the same way until i realized it was just building a wall of resentment between me and my wife. Both of us are proud and stubborn people and neither would give any ground in the NEED to be RIGHT about anything. Then after reading this amazing e-book on happy marriage I realized how stupid i had been.

If i was not going to change neither should she!

So what to do to stay happy in marriage? The answer was clear, i had to swallow my pride, lose the ego and take the first step to reconciliation. I walked up to my wife in fact after another yelling match about money and even though I thought I was still right I apologized and said I would support her decision about this money matter because i loved her and respected her.

... well, from one apology and a heartfelt one at that came back three more over the next few days; Small things but meaningful. This was just one small step, add to this starting to say thank you more often and suddenly i am being thanked back. What you put in you get back like a magic. It was always reciprocal and as long as i did not expect it to come back as if i was giving a FAVOR it became the foundations of a new way of life.

So take the first step, you can create a happy marriage without your spouses willing partnership in the transition. They will come along for the ride because you have shown the way with selfless leadership.

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